Eliana López Colomba Eliana López Colomba

Investigadora INTA.


1. Carrizo I.M., López Colomba E., Tommasino E., Carloni E., Bollati G., Grunberg K. 2021. Contrasting adaptive responses to cope with drought stress and recovery in Cenchrus ciliaris L. and their implications for tissue lignification. Physiologia Plantarum 172: 762–779. https://doi.org/10.1111/ppl.13274. Impact factor: 4.148. SJR 2019: 1.47. Q1. H index: 137.
2. Ribotta A., López Colomba E., Bollati G., Striker G., Carloni E., Griffa S., Quiroga M., Tommasino E., Grunberg K. 2019. Agronomic and molecular characterization of Chloris gayana cultivars and Salinity response during germination and early vegetative growth. Tropical Grassland 7: (1):14–24. ISSN: 2346-3775
3. Tommasino E., López Colomba E., Carrizo M., Grunberg K., Quiroga M., Carloni E., S. Griffa S., Ribotta A., Luna C. 2018. Individual and combined effects of drought and heat on antioxidant parameters and growth performance in Buffel grass (Cenchrus ciliaris L.) genotypes. South African Journal of Botany 119: 104–111.
4. Carloni E., López Colomba E., Ribotta A., Quiroga M., Tommasino E., Griffa S., Grunberg K. 2018. Analysis of genetic variability in in vitro regenerated buffelgrass plants through ISSR molecular markers. Revista de la Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias, Vol. 50 N˚2. Revista de la Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias (Vol. 50, no. 2). Institución Editora: Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias.
5. Carloni E., Tommasino E., López Colomba E., Ribotta A., Quiroga M., Griffa S., and Grunberg K. 2017. In vitro selection and characterization of buffelgrass somaclones with different responses to water stress. Plant Cell Tissue and Organ Culture 130, 265–277 .DOI: 10.1007/s11240-017-1220-9.
6. Quiroga M., Tommasino E., Griffa S., Ribotta A., López Colomba E., Carloni E., Grunberg K. 2016. Genotypic variation in response to salinity in a new sexual germplasm of Cenchrus ciliaris L. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 102: 53-61. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.plaphy.2016.02.016. ISSN: 0981-9428.
7. Carloni E., Ribotta A., López Colomba E., Griffa S., Quiroga M., Tommasino E., and Grunberg K. 2014. Somatic embryogenesis from in vitro anther culture of apomictic buffel grass genotypes and analysis of regenerated plants using flow cytometry. Plant Cell Tissue and Organ Culture 117: 311–322. DOI: 10.1007/s11240-014-0441-4.
8. Quiroga M., Grunberg K. Ribotta A., López Colomba E., Carloni E., Tommasino E., Luna C., and Griffa S. 2013. Obtaining of sexual genotypes for breeding in Buffel grass. South African Journal of Botany 88: 118-123. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.sajb.2013.04.016.
9. López Colomba E., Tommasino E., Luna C., Griffa S., Carloni E., Ribotta A., Quiroga M. and Grunberg K. 2013. Differential salt-stress response during germination and vegetative growth in in vitro selected somaclonal mutants of Cenchrus ciliaris L. South African Journal of Botany 87: 157-163. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.sajb.2013.03.008.
10. Ribotta A., Griffa S., Díaz D., Carloni E., López Colomba E., Tommasino E., Quiroga M., Luna C. and Grunberg K. 2013. Selecting salt-tolerant clones and evaluating genetic variability to obtain parents of new diploid and tetraploid germplasm in rhodesgrass (Chloris gayana K.). South African Journal of Botany 84: 88-93. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.sajb.2012.10.001.
11. Tommasino E., Griffa S., Grunberg K., Ribotta A., López Colomba E., Carloni E., Quiroga M., and Luna C. 2012. Malondialdehyde content as a potential biochemical indicator of tolerant Cenchrus ciliaris L. genotypes under heat stress treatment. Grass and Forage Science 67: 456-459. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2494.2012.00851.x.
12. Griffa S., Quiroga M., Ribotta A., López Colomba E., Carloni E., Tommasino E., Luna C., Biderbost E. and Grunberg K. 2012. Relationship between seed yield and its component characters in Cenchrus spp. Electronic Journal of Plant Breeding 3: (1): 701-706. ISSN 0975-928X.
13. Rodríguez Pardina P., Luque A., Nome C., López Colomba E., Fuentes Delgado S. and Di Feo L. 2012. First report of Sweet potato leaf curl virus infecting sweet potato in Argentina. Australasian Plant Disease Notes 7: 157-160. DOI: 10.1007/s13314-012-0073-7.
14. López Colomba E., Prina A., Griffa S., Ribotta A., Carloni E., Tommasino E., Luna C., Biderbost E. and Grunberg K. 2011. Obtaining new germplasm in Cenchrus ciliaris L. through induced-mutation and in vitro selection. Phyton International Journal of Experimental Botany 80: 59-64. Print ISSN: 0031-9457. On line ISSN: 1851-5657.
15. Lanza Castelli S., Grunberg K., Muñoz N., Griffa S., López Colomba E., Ribotta A., Biderbost E. and Luna C. 2010. Oxidative damage and antioxidant defenses as potential indicators of salt-tolerant Cenchrus ciliaris L. genotypes. Flora 205: 622-626. Print ISSN: 0367-2530.DOI: 10.1016/j.flora.2010.04.004.
16. Griffa S., Ribotta A., López Colomba E., Tommasino E., Carloni E., Luna C. and Grunberg K. 2010. Evaluation seedling biomass and its components as selection criteria for improving salt tolerance in Buffel grass genotypes. Grass and Forage Science 65: 358-361. Print ISSN: 0142-5242. Online ISSN: 1365-2494. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2494.2010.00754.x.
17. López Colomba E., Grunberg K., Griffa S., Ribotta A., Mroginski L. and Biderbost E. 2006. The effect of genotype and culture medium on somatic embryogenesis and plant regeneration from mature embryos of apomictic cultivars of Cenchrus ciliaris L. Grass and Forage Science 61: 2–8. Print ISSN: 0142-5242. Online ISSN: 1365-2494. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2494.2006.00499.x.
18. Griffa S., Díaz D., Ribotta A., López Colomba E., Grunberg K. and Biderbost E. 2006. Molecular genetic discrimination of Buffel grass genotypes and F1 hybrids for breeding purposes using amplified fragment length polymorphism analyses. Grass and Forage Science 61: 454-458. Print ISSN: 0142-5242. Online ISSN: 1365-2494. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2494.2006.00546.x.
19. Ribotta A., Griffa S., López Colomba E., Grunberg K. y Biderbost E. 2005. Determinación del contenido proteínico en materiales seleccionados de Cenchrus ciliaris L., Chloris gayana K. y Panicum coloratum L. Pastos y Forrajes. Vol. 28. N°3. 241-246. Cuba. Print ISSN: 0864-0394. Online ISSN: 2078-8452.
20. Griffa S., Ribotta A., Luna C., Bollati G., López Colomba E., Tommasino, E.; Carloni, E.; Quiroga M. y Grunberg K. 2011. Evaluación morfológica del cultivar de buffelgrass “Lucero INTA-PEMAN” en condiciones de sequía. Revista Investigaciones Agropecuarias (RIA) 37: (1): 68-73. Aceptado 15 de diciembre del 2010. ISSN: 0325-8718.
21. Ribotta A., Bollati G., Griffa S., López Colomba E., Carloni E., Quiroga M., Grunberg K. 2013. Mejoramiento genético para tolerancia a la salinidad en grama rhodes diploide. En: Información técnica de forrajeras megatérmicas. Jornada Forrajeras Tropicales. 2013. Ediciones Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria. Centro Regional Santa Fe. Informe técnico Nº 58Septiembre 2013. Pág. 49-55. ISSN 0325-9129.
22. Cavallero M.I., Pinto J.J., Sanz P., Bono G., Griffa S., Tommasino E., López Colomba E. 2020. Evaluación comparativa de cultivares y materiales experimentales de Cenchrus ciliaris L. Informe Técnico. Editorial EEA Ingeniero Juárez, INTA. https://inta.gob.ar/documentos/evaluacion-comparativa-de-cultivares-y-materiales-experimentales-de-cenchrus-ciliaris-l http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12123/7849
23. Grunberg K., Griffa S., López Colomba E., Carloni E., Quiroga M., Tommasino E., Ribotta A., and Biderbost E. 2017. Buffel grass (Cenchrus ciliaris L.) in Argentina. Forage and the future, Forage Newsletter 5-5.
2017. Patente. Cultivar Orión INTA de Cenchrus ciliaris L. otorgado por INASE, Registro Nacional de Cultivares y en el Registro Nacional de la Propiedad de Cultivares al INTA-IFRGV. Res. INASE 545/2017 del 19/7/17 del RNC. Obtentores: Eliana López Colomba, Karina Grunberg y Sabrina Griffa.